June 11, 2012


Hello there! I had every intention of posting a blog on Friday, but the day got away from me. I spent it running around getting last minute items for the Mr's graduation party, cutting fruit and veggies, mixing up dips, blowing up balloons, and making a burlap banner. While I was flying about the house like a crazy lady, and the Mr was writing his graduation speech {he was chosen by his class}, I walked into our bedroom to see Bailey fast asleep looking quite angelic. It made me pause for just a moment... grab my camera... and take a break. 

Saturday, the Mr's graduation day, came so fast.  It does not seem that long ago that he was making the decision to go back to school for his Master's. Time goes oh-so quickly. In the two years he was in school, we got engaged and married. What a busy two years! And the Mr handled it all without ever getting very stressed... because, well - that is his nature. And thank God for it, because I have enough anxiety for us both.

I can't sum up the emotion I felt listening to him give his speech, or watching him walk across the stage to be "hooded". I would say - it was second only to seeing him in his suit on our wedding day. 

Saturday was a day packed full of celebration. It started early when our families arrived for the ceremony, and didn't end until the wee hours of the night spent with friends. It was a day split into two celebrations. Since it was also our good friend Stu's 30th birthday I bought {I cheated} 30 cupcakes, and the Mr decorated them with little flags with funny sayings. Stu came down from Cincinnati, and our good friends - Laurie-Beth and Brian - came from Cleveland. Our apartment never feels small until its packed full of family and friends, but then again... I suppose I can't complain if that is the reason.

A slight disclaimer: I feel the need to mention some of the pictures of the ceremony are blurry, but I had to post them anyway. It was really darn hard to take good pictures in there! When I used my flash it just lit up the people's heads in the row in front of us, but on manual I could not get the settings to work without the photo being blurry. So - I went with blurry instead of bright heads. I figured it was the lesser of two evils.


  1. We Love and Adore our Martins! Glad to have participated in the Celebrations<3

    1. Aww, shucks... We love and adore you guys, too!!! So glad you could make it.

  2. It really was a perfect day!
