January 31, 2012


Lately braids are everywhere... television, magazines, and making the rounds on pinterest. I wrote about them here as one of the biggest trends of 2011. It's always interesting to me when something so classic becomes a "trend".

There is something about braids that I have always loved. They always seem so bohemian and romantic to me. I was very tempted to incorporate a braid for our wedding, but in the end I did not. I am dying to learn to fishtail braid my hair. Wouldn't it be amazing if you could braid your own hair like this top image... so lovely it makes me sigh.

image credits:   one / two / three


  1. You wore your hair in braids a lot when you were little ;o)

  2. Top image is amazing!!! I'm growing out my hair for buns and braids!
    Maybe you should do a DIY for them with a hair stylist:)

  3. @Meredith, Isn't it? I wish I could grow my hair long, but it just does't get as long as I want it! It just stops growing. I should definitely ask my hair stylist sister for pointers! :)
